Wednesday - Rulon Gardner
I messed up badly with my diet on the plane-ride home. They served us cookies and crackers and cheese and I ate them! Stupid me. I am really going to pay for this!
After departing the plane, and standing outside the Salt Lake Airport, a gentleman struck up a conversation with us. He looked somewhat familiar but it was dark and he was sitting on his luggage in an even darker area.
After we were all seated on the "Fly & Jet" bus, we noticed that our conversation had been with Rulon Gardner. He was on the same plane we had been on but we didn't know it.We got home to Ogden about 10:00. I have never had jet lag before, and I didn't have it getting to Hawaii, but I had it now. Actually, I'm not sure if it was jet-lag or I was sick because of what I ate. I know the high elevation is hard on me, and I couldn't walk the whole day without pain in my legs.
There was no reason to rush around and do anything though. I just rested and had to rest all day Thursday also, except we both had dentist appointments.
I was so tired Wednesday and Thursday that I couldn't even write blogs, and wasn't interested in making any money either. I looked at all the opportunities that would make me money, but I just couldn't take even one.
I'm still tired today which is Saturday. But, I am snapping out of it. Glad of that! It will be nice to get back to normal.