Banquet Night
It's our High Priest Banquet Dinner tonight, except I think it's more like a picnic.
It's pot luck, and their serving ham, that's all I know. It cost me about $15 for the ingredients to make a salad. It's getting too expensive to eat today! It will be fun though. I'm looking forward to it.
We went to the clubhouse to play pool but there were 8 guys over there. We'll just have to do it another day I guess. We really didn't have time to play anyway. We would have been late for the dinner, because I only have an hour to get the salad and me ready.
Mike is insisting on painting a little today. He has been going to get at it, but things keep coming up. He wants to do a little of it in the next hour, so there will less to do tomorrow. I think he's hoping to be finished with this painting project tomorrow so sure.
It really looks nice! I love it more every time I see it!
We got our new camera today from UPS, and now we can take pictures of the house and get them on the blog so people can see what we've been doing.