Mary and Gary
This is my cousin Mary and her husband Gary. Mary and I are a year apart, and have been best friends since childhood. Mike and I are on the outside. Mary and Gary are wearing their missionary name tags.Mary and Gary were on a one-year mission , serving at the St. George visitor center, Jacob Hamblin home, and Brigham Young's, summer home. And also the tabernacle.
A note of interest: Mike's brother Ray and wife Colleen served at this same site several years ago. We stopped to visit them while they were there also.
And an additional note of interest is that my cousin Thomas Lambert and wife Joanne, took Gary and Mary's place. They are serving their mission right now.I stopped to see them in April on our way back to Utah from Arizona. But, like a dummy, I didn't call first. We got there at 11:00 AM and they were scheduled to work at 1:00 PM.
We are going back to Arizona next week, and I am going to call Tom and see if we can hook up this time.
P.S. We did stop and see them just two weeks ago.
They had us to their lovely home, fed us a lovely lunch and we enjoyed two hours or so of wonderful remembrances, and lots of catching up.
Tom and Joanne have lived in California since the 60's I believe. And just moved to St. George a year or so ago.
It was wonderful seeing them!
This is the view from the Jacob Hamblin House.