Our Valentines Day
I've mentioned several times that our anniversary is on Valentines Day.
We had a wonderful day yesterday. We went to the temple, like we did 16 years ago. It was beautiful!
Afterwards, we went to an early dinner at Applebees restaurant.
Kenny sent us a gift card for Christmas and Mike's birthday, that was on Dec. 22. We were amazed! He had sent a $50.00 gift card!
Later at home we watched a video he bought me, "Harry Met Sally." He knows I love that movie. I was disappointed though, in that, I didn't know it was rated R. I had watched it on TV where they had cleaned up the language, and I had no idea that the F word is used several times in this movie.Mike gave me two beautiful cards, which we had to share, because I hadn't gotten out to buy anything, since I had been sick in bed with the stomach flu. We had a lovely evening, and heard from several of our children.
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